To quote the sisters when they called in their numbers to Elder Datoon last night, "This week has been a week of miracles!" I am BEYOND ECSTATIC to know that it hasn't just been a week of miracles for me, but for my whole family!
NI SA bula bula bula magandang hapon po hamar bahut julum ohana!!
This week, I saw the difference between blessings and miracles. I guess it's not so much something you can see as it is something you FEEL. My prayers were longer this week, my heart was fuller, and my faith was tested more than ever.
On Tuesday, I was privileged to give a training in district meeting themed on a part from President's mission email from the week before. It discusses the differences between an "elevator missionary" and an "escalator missionary". Very basically, the greatest difference between an elevator and an escalator is this: Elevators stop, escalators DON'T. An elevator opens its doors, lets people in, closes its doors, and begins its ascension. An escalator is always allowing people on and is constantly progressing. This is all about finding, and how we should NEVER close our doors to those who are potentially ready and willing to accept this gospel into their lives. We should always be finding, always be open and ready to share this great gospel to those to could benefit from its teachings (EVERYONE). It was a really good district meeting, and it seems as though our district really applied it over the last week! We're all really focusing on finding those who are ready, and we have a good amount of people who have invited us back to share more! What a blessing!
Sister Sunita is progressing wonderfully. In fact, she has kicked her current husband out of her home so that she could be baptized. Some may see that as a bit harsh, but I honestly see that as golden dedication, and even a miracle! She has accepted the invitation to be baptized on Sunday, January 29th! Apparently, the missionaries have been working with Sunita closely for a very long time, and I feel so blessed to be able to witness her long-awaited baptism! We're all way excited, she will be interviewed on Thursday by the zone leaders to determine whether the baptism can truly be carried out, and I have absolutely no doubts in my mind that her baptism WILL take place on Sunday, and the service will be beautiful. The change is Sunita's heart is so pure, and I can feel of the Lord's love for her as well as her love for the Lord every time we sit with her. What a blessing!
On Sunday after church, we stopped by a member's home to give some blessings to sick sisters. After the blessings, the mother of the small family told us that her daughter had just turned 9 and had not yet been baptized. She asked us to teach her daughter and baptize her asap, a request we GLADLY accepted! Shreya is SUCH a sweet and smart little girl! We went over several days ago and taught her the "five steps to heaven" (the five principles of the gospel). She understands everything really well and has expressed her desire to be baptized. What a blessing!
The next blessing happened just before we left the house, after the blessings. Shreya's cousin happened to be over, a young and awesome little boy named Kreesh. He asked us if we knew a boy named Arien. When I first arrived, we visited and taught Arien consistently. Arien is 12 and also SUPER smart and observant. Three weeks ago, when we arrived at Arien's house prepared to teach him with Benji Kumar (Reuben's brother, called to serve in South Africa), we discovered that Arien's house had burnt down. For two weeks we worried about Arien and his family, as we hadn't heard from him since. Kreesh told us that Arien is a friend of his in school, and that Arien told him that he had been taking the discussions. Together, they rehearsed the five principles of the gospel, the law of the tithe, and CATTS (word of wisdom thing we use with kids. Coffee, Alcohol, Tea, Tobacco, Say no to drugs)! Arien requested our number from Kreesh because he wants us over again! We asked kreesh to get Arien's address for us, and we'll be visiting with him again as soon as possible! Arien and his family are all okay and are living with family while they look for a new home. What a blessing!
These have been just a few of the countless blessings and tender mercies that were so graciously showered over us over the last week! This past week has truly been amazing.
On Wednesday, Elder Datoon and I visited some of the homes of the Nasinu 1st elders for baptismal interviews. At the last home before dinner, I met a(nother) young man who knew and LOVED Herb. WHY, though, gave me a bit of a wake-up call. He told me that he loved Herbert because out of the companionship, Herbert was super social and open and HE was the talker. Now I spent quite a bit of time with Herb in my day, and he never really seemed way OUT THERE while we were growing up. I can only imagine Herbert had to leave his comfort zone a bit in order to get to that point, and he had to do it until it became natural. My goal is to be more social, become more comfortable around the people. My goal is to see people for who they really are: Children of my father in heaven, and thus my brothers and sisters. I'm sure that this will span great blessings!
Thursday is our service day, and we had a combined service project with the sisters for one of their investigators whose daughters are members. That morning, Elder Datoon and I rose a little earlier than normal, got on our service clothes, and taxi'd over to the chapel for a wake-up ball-up with the district! WAY fun and nice to have been able to get together for basketball before we separated for our service projects. The investigator we serviced, Sister Brown, is incredible and I'll share a bit about her later.
Our district started a "Fast Friday" last week, and we'll continue to carry it out. I love the idea of fasting weekly, and I've already seen what has to be the results of these righteous efforts!
Saturday morning, Elder Datoon and I decided to go for a morning run. One of two things resulted from this morning run, I'm not exactly sure which. Either 1. my thighs doubled in size overnight and have been sore since then because running is just THAT good, or 2. my thighs are swollen and throbbing because I haven't been jogging in like a year and now my body is scolding me. Anyways, it was way nice to go running and the pain was actually pretty nice. A burn I haven't felt in a while haha. Elder Datoon and I have decided to eat and live better. We've decided to drop fizzy drinks and sweets (unless offered by Indians, and it always is) and to run every few mornings. He's the man, I've already puffed up since I've been in Nasinu and We're about to shrink again.
Elder Datoon continues to be a sick companion and excellent mentor to me. He has no problem kicking me (launching me) out of my comfort zone by making me find and lead discussions, and for that I'm honestly so grateful. Being with him has been so humbling and I've already learned and grown so much in our companionship.
WELP that's been the week. That's been my week of miracles!!
NOW, in response to the letters...
LET'S GOOOOO KALA'I!! I was straight up jumping around in my chair reading your letter! MAN I'M SO FREAKING PROUD OF YOU MAN!! I'm just overjoyed that yous did NOT let those cocky Kona-growns get yous discouraged. G, doesn't hard work, discipline and determine just pay off?? That's the one too though, NEVER ever get cocky yourselves. I'm glad yous good-gamed your opponents, it's sooo important to maintain unity not only within your own crew or team, but within the sport. Who's your stroker btw?? but WOOO LET'S GO, O'AHU! It's not Maui but STILL HOW COOL IS THAT?? All jokes but I'm seriously so crazy proud of you Kala'i. you don't even know. Whatever you do, stay humble and remember who you are and who you represent. Don't stop training your face off, be a great example to your team mates and a great help to the coaches. Kea'au isn't so bad a school after all, aye? To me, that's a testimony builder that the Lord will put you where you need to be and the time that you need to be there. Maybe getting out of Kamehameha was a bit of a downer at first, but you would never have been able to accomplish this incredible feat there. You would not have learned the things that you've learned, met the people you've met, especially that girl you're working with! Continue to be a great example to her and trying to bring her back to the Lord's fold.
Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! It's honestly crazy to think you're 16, your face says 14 and your arms say 20. I love you man, and I'm so proud of you. Never back down, never give up!
Dad, I remember Damien them. Man, I haven't seen Donovan in years! What a blessing that La'i was able to befriend in and invite him back! Please continue to work with them and try to bring them back, Damien was a really good friend of mine back in the day and it'd be WAY nice to see him as an active member at my homecoming! Also, good luck with Aunty Debbie and Uncllllllle Lito? Storm's dad, I forget his name, but good luck with them! And thank you for the tip on being bold! I will definitely keep that in mind as I go about my work this week.
I'm glad everyone is doing well, and that work and school are going good!
Welp I'd better head out now, Elder Datoon and I are getting haircuts before qito and we don't have very much time left before it starts. I'll try sending photos, sorry of it doesn't work!
Thank yous for your prayers, I feel them working on me every day. The blessings from our prayers collectively have been SO evident lately, thank you.
I love you all SO much, thank you all for everything!
Ham aaplogke bahut pyaar karta hai!!! Have a great and blessed week!
Aaplogke pyaari larkaa,
Elder Ishibashi
-Nasinu district boiiii (E.Ishibashi, E.Datoon, S.Pea, S.Tupaea, E.Arrieta, E.Larsen)
-Found this while on exchanges with the Zone leaders in Raiwaqa!
-Heavy rain don't stop the work of the Lord! (Except for maybe about ten minutes while we wait for the rain to die down under a roof of whom we don't know it belongs)
-Obviously spells "Nasinu"