Kaise hamaar pariwaar??
Haam julum hai, iis pich le hapta bahut achaa raha! Haam Elder Datoon ke sange raha Sukh aur Sanichaar pe exchanges ke liye, toh haamlog duno bahut achaa kam kara jab haamlog saat raha. Haamlog saht nawa anveshak logan khoja, aur Sanichaar ke sabere me, Elder Mokie aur haam tin aur anveshak logan khoja. Iis pich le hapta haamlog tin nawa anveshak logan kocha, ek julum aur utpaadak hapta raha. Haam bahut din baad nahin iiske rakam achaa kam kara, toh ham bahut kushi rahe abii!I've seen the importance of what Ammon does at this time in my mission, the example he sets here is key in missionary work.
Alma 18:16 And it came to pass that Ammon, being filled with the Spirit of God, therefore he perceived the thoughts of the king. And he said unto him: Is it because thou hast heard that I defended thy servants and thy flocks, and slew seven of their brethren with the sling and with the sword, and smote off the arms of others, in order to defend thy flocks and thy servants; behold, is it this that causeth thy marvelings?
Our investigators won't always tell us exactly what they need, and thus we won't always know exactly how to accomplish our purpose and help them in the most effective way. Ammon, being "stuck", listened to the spirit. By allowing the spirit to fill him and speak to him, he was able to know exactly the king's thoughts and desires. I've come to gain a strong testimony that the spirit's promptings are never wrong, and that following each and every little prompting spawns blessings. I can't count the times I've gone into a home with a set lesson in mind, but after talking to them for a bit or after the opening prayer, I feel prompted to change the lesson. Every time, without fail, that lesson reaches something within them that wouldn't have been touched had a different lesson been taught. Counsel: LISTEN TO THE SPIRIT.
Going on, King Lamoni asks Ammon by what divine power he's able to accomplish such remarkable tasks. He tells Ammon that he would protect him with everything he has and grant him anything he asks.
King Lamoni agrees to listen and believe. Ammon basically has the king of this city wrapped around his finger at this point. He could ask for literally anything and would be granted that thing at the snap of the king's fingers. What Ammon asks is for the king to listen and believe in the power of our heavenly father.
Matt 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
We missionaries are sent out in the midst of nonbelievers in Christ's divinity, foreigners to Christianity or even religion. We're delivered into the hands of clueless and often hateful people. No matter the circumstance, we're directed to be wise; to exercise and testify of the power of God boldly. We're also directed to be harmless; to go about our testifying and bold teachings with love and consideration. The way I see it, we're directed to be humble and submissive to the Lord. In Elder Larsen's words: Be smart, exercise power and authority, but never in the wrong way or for the wrong reasons.
Yesterday in church, we talked a little about humility as well. Taken from my notes:
I think a big part of humility is acknowledging the gifts and talents you've been blessed with, and acknowledging that there's always more room to improve. Being humble isn't being down on ourselves, it's the willingness/desire to grow by the example of others.
I also love Matt10:16 because it goes on to basically say that the Lord will tame any wolves as we stay faithful to him and teach with His spirit.
On Wednesday, I was on exchanges with Elder Larsen we got some good work done in my area. Elder Datoon and I were on exchanges from Friday to Saturday. It was way sick going around the area with Elder Datoon for old times sake, and we found sooo many new people to teach! This week is transfer week, and I was informed by President Layton last week that a change would be made in our companionship next transfer. Given all the new people/potential we found over the last few days, I want to stay and work and progress with them. However, I'm down for any curve balls or buses that the Lord has to lovingly chuck my way. We find out tomorrow where Elder Mokie or I go. We also had an excellent lesson with a sweet and humble family on Saturday morning, and I really look forward to teaching them and helping them to gain their own testimony.
Friday night, my Nasinu family (the Koyamaiboles) invited Elder Datoon and I over for dinner. I was surprised by Joji Fong, who'd brought the packages!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THOSE! I'll talk a little more about those later, but please thank the Koyamaiboles again for their love and care for the missionaries. We had a really nice evening, I noticed talking to Chochi that I've replaced a lot of my pidgin vocabulary with Australian slang, it'll be interesting come home with that I reckon haha.
Anyways, it's been an awesome week. I'll let yous know if any of the people we found progress.
As for the package, Joji bought Elder Datoon and I each a box of Mauna Loa chocolates and a t-shirt, so I was extra pleased upon finding those other two boxes. I gave two to Elder Datoon and his companion as well as Elder Datoon's long awaited bag of one ton chips. He expresses his great gratitude, you should have seen his face. Elder Mokie and I have slowly been killing ourselves with chocolate-coconut sweets and beef-jerkey, and we're loving it. Don't worry at all about the other things, I still have a good number of hangers that will last me a good long while (there are always left-over hangers in flats anyway) and the other things aren't important haha. THANK YOU so much for the shirts, I'll preserve them until my current shirts are unwearable, but for now I can afford to keep them crisp for a while. ALSO thank you for the athletic shirt and shorts! I was honestly in need of more like basketball shorts but no more! I'll be wearing them today at qito. Speaking of the hug, Elder Datoon was fine with it, but Fane (Sister Koyamaibole's daughter, recent RM) scolded her haha. "Sobo mom, tabu!" (Woah hey, not allowed!) But I really appreciated that too, thank you!
I'm so glad you all seem to be doing great and keeping yourselves busy (hopefully not too busy)!
Sorry about the lack of pictures today, this computer won't take my USB chord. Know Elder Mokie and I are in great health (for now) and GREAT spirits, and we're working hard before the transfer ends. We'll be heading out now, but know I love you all so much. Thank you for your love and blessings! Haam janta hai ki bhagvaan haaame saab iis ashirvaad de hai kyunki aaplogke pratna aur vishwaas. Haam aaplogke bahut pyaar karta hai hamaar julum pariwaar, ek julum hapta rakho aur busy raho!
Khyaal rakna,
Elder Ishibashi-Fiji
Just read 'Io's letter, his letters are always SO fulfilling! Something President Layton has taught us is to be very simple and bold. I remember loving Herbert's letters because they were always way elaborate and descriptive, but 'Io's letters are so simple and straight and powerful, and I've gained such a huge appreciation for that.
Upon receiving them
-Exchanges with Datoon! (promise I'm cutting my hair today)
-My district leader is trunky
When dad says "We go!" and we're all waiting in the car but dad is still talking to uncle