Sunday, December 4, 2016

12-4-16 Oh what a week!

What an incredibly uplifting week it has been! 

This last Friday we had mission tour, which is basically like combined zone conference where we're addressed by a member of the seventy. This mission tour, we were addressed by Elder Craig A. Cardon, a member of the Pacific Area presidency! EXCELLENT trainings by Elder Cardon and President Layton were given that day in the Suva 1st ward chapel. Lately, President Layton has been stressing the use of a bible technique he invented, called the "Use their bible" technique. The trainings were about how to begin a first lesson by applying the "Use their bible" technique and how to most effectively carry out your message following the application of said method. Elder Cardon and President Layton are such giant examples of stern but loving teaching. Just to explain the technique a bit, the "Use their bible" technique is when you go into a house with an individual or family, get to know them a bit, begin with a prayer, and share something out of THEIR bible. I've used this technique several times, and each time it was executed successfully. It's so heartwarming, the look of excitement and sometimes shock and you ask to share something from a Christian's personal bible and they say "My bible? You won't share something out of yours?" It really is a genius approach, too. Right off the bat, the use of this method tells the person we're talking to several things about us LDS missionaries. One, that we are Christians, and that we also study out of the King James version of the Holy Bible. When they know that, they know that we share at least some of the same general beliefs. It's especially effective against strong Christians, because we're using something they're very familiar with and something that means a lot to them personally, and we're teaching them new doctrine from a book they've studied thoroughly for years. There are several directions we can go at this point. We can turn to John 3:5 and teach about what it means to be "born of water AND of the spirit". From their we can relate Acts 19, where the apostle Paul directs the Corinthians that they must be baptized again to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Or, we can head straight into Matthew 16:19 where Jesus gives Peter the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. It expresses that Peter is given the power to bind things on Earth, and the thing will be bound in Heaven also, and whatsoever is loosed on earth is likewise loosed in Heaven. We can then relate families, why we have them and what a blessing it would be for us to be able to bind ourselves as families here on earth, and thus be bound in Heaven for eternity. We could turn to Amos 3:7 about the Lord God revealing his secrets to His prophets. If it was important for us to have a prophet back then to lead us and guide us back to our Heavenly Father, and God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, wouldn't it be important for us to have a prophet in these days to lead us and guide us as well? There are heaps of different ways that we could apply this method, but they all have the same aim, and that is to confirm two eternal truths to the people we use this approach on: That we have a loving Father in Heaven who wants for us to return to him, and that we can achieve that eternal life and happiness in Heaven with him AND our families by following the example of Jesus Christ and being baptized, receiving the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. THAT is our ultimate goal with these people, to bring unto Christ by testifying, through the Spirit, of the truthfulness of this Church. 

I used to make a joke about this technique. We seldom find Christian Indians, as most in our area are Hindu or Muslim. Whereas the Fijian missionaries (a vast number of Fijians being Christian to some degree) can freely use the "Use their bible" techinque, we Hindi Elders instead have to apply the "Use their quran" technique. 

On a bit of a side note, I was listening to a talk Elder Hariprasad had on his USB yesterday. Not really a talk, it's the conversion story of a man named Bill Carpenter. He was a very staunch-in-his-faith Jesuit priest student, and also fairly young, when he was converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The hardships and trials he faced in his conversion process are incredible, and I recommend listening to his story. It's pretty lengthy, but it actually kept me engaged the entire time because it's pretty funny as well. When you have time, definitely check it out! 

Just realized I skipped the whole week, but it was pretty awesome! We're teaching a new family who lives in a humble little tin-roof shack in our area. They have such a wonderful Spirit and they seem to have strong testimonies of Jesus Christ and a loving God. I say seem because they just speak lightning Hindi the whole time, them and Elder Hariprasad. I get lost a lot during the discussions, but the spirit is definitely there. We look forward to visiting them often and seeing how they progress! 

Not very much out of the ordinary happened this week except mission tour. Speaking of which, I was able to see some of my intake vata (missionaries I came out with) there! Mission tour was shared amongst four zones: Suva, Suva North, Nausori North and Nausori South. Elder Tiafala and Sister Nawaia are currently serving in the Suva zone, and Sister Otea is serving in Suva North, so I was able to see and hang out with all of them! Some exciting news for Elder Tiafala: He's going to Tuvalu! WAY stoked for him! On Tuesday, he's switching places with a missionary finishing his six-month period on Tuvalu. He's way excited as well, won't see him for another six months but I know he'll have the best time and get some good work done there. 

So yeah, that was pretty much my week! Now, to address the letters:

WOW! What a way to follow a year where we didn't have a tree at all!! It looks so beautiful, especially when surrounded by the kids decorating it! I miss those babies sooo much, I can't wait to wrap them up again one day. Man, I mean it would have been better that the centipede didn't bite anyone at all, but what a blessing that it never bit Fia. Thank you so much for the relation, mom! And also, GOOD LUCK WITH THE NEW POSITION! Not that you need it, you're you, but still! Know I'll be praying for you to be able to perform at your best. 

Both mom and dad referenced that Elder Bautista part in 'Io's letter last week, so I took a look at it (also realizing that I don't read 'Io's letters enough). How incredible is that? How absolutely selfless, what an absolutely tremendous act of Christlike love Elder Bautista performed for his twin brother? I honestly almost teared up in this internet shop, what a monumental example. Thank you for that story, 'Io!

Okay I'm gonna end it here, I have to move to another computer to send pictures because I got a dumb one again. I love yous all so much and I'm glad everyone's doing well! Have an awesome week, give my aloha to my future sister-in-law for me please!
Ham aaplogke bahut BAHUT pyaar karta hai! Moce!!

Elder Ishibashi 

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